

The Way to Salvation

Knowing how ones goes about being saved from sin and its consequences has been embedded within us from the beginning of our journeys to walk with God. God be thanked that we all have the ability to be saved and to encourage those who are lost to take the necessary steps they need to get to heaven. The following is vital in order for one to see God:  


  1. Hear– One must be willing to hear the pleas of Jesus to come unto Him and be saved (Rom. 10:17). 
  2. Believe- We must put aside pre-conceived notions and trust the call of the Master (Mk. 16:15).
  3. Confess- Upon a convicted belief, one must confess that they acknowledge Jesus’ rule over their life (Rom. 10:9-10).
  4. Repent-Living for Jesus requires becoming a new man and putting away sin (Acts 2:38).
  5. Baptism- Such an individual must then be immersed for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). 
  6. Be Faithful- One should endeavor to live a holy and faithful life to God till the end (Rev. 2:10).