

We are a Community

The book of Acts reminds us that, as disciples of Jesus, we are to be a community. The extreme growth of the church we find within its pages was not possible without the members being connected to one another. 

Giving our lives to Christ means giving our lives to other disciples, and together we grow in maturity and faith (Acts 2.22, 46-47). In other words, you cannot join with Christ without also joining the people of God as it is being formed and strengthened by Him.

The church of Christ finds fulfillment in the Old Testament ideal of Psalm 133.1, “brothers and sisters dwell together in unity.” In this we get to enjoy the goodness, the peace, and the pleasantness God intends for humanity, and for whoever wishes to be His children. 

We need each other desperately, and in seeking God together and spending a significant amount of time together in that pursuit, we find ourselves in harmony together.

But how do you feel about your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do they bore you? Annoy you? Make you angry? Are they not what you expect? Do they make you not want to come around? It is truly upsetting when you find out a Christian doesn’t like being around the flock for reasons like these – not just to me or the brethren – but to God as well.

Our Father wants us to be together. There is no growth in Jesus if you are alone, and away from us. Consider your family here (Php 2.3). We need you, so that we may all come to the unity, maturity, and fullness of Christ (Eph 4.13).