Online Sermons

Acts 13-14
John Pollard
06/26/16 Bible Class

Made Alive in Christ through Grace
Delmar Jervis
06/19/16 Sermon

Press Toward the Goal
John Pollard
06/19/16 Sermon

Acts 11-12
John Pollard
06/19/16 Bible Class

Facing the Future
John Pollard
06/12/16 Sermon

Acts 9-10
John Pollard
06/12/16 Bible Class

At Judgment then what?
Delmar Jervis
06/05/16 Sermon

What does it mean to belong to Christ?
John Pollard
06/05/16 Sermon

Acts 7-8
John Pollard
06/05/16 Bible Class

Always Abounding in the Work of the Lord
John Pollard
05/29/16 Sermon

Acts 5-6
John Pollard
05/29/16 Bible Class

Seeing Ourselves as God See Us
John Pollard
05/22/16 Sermon

Acts 3-4
John Pollard
05/22/16 Bible Class

Acts 1-2
John Pollard
05/15/16 Bible Class

What is My Excuse?
Delmar Jervis
05/08/16 Sermon