Online Sermons

Truth in the Scriptures
Delmar Jervis
05/05/19 Sermon

Standing Up for Jesus
Delmar Jervis
05/05/19 Sermon

Revelation 2:6-9
John Pollard
05/01/19 Bible Class

The Nature of John 14:6
John Pollard
04/28/19 Sermon

Being a part of the Kingdom: Humility and Repentance
John Pollard
04/28/19 Sermon

Hosea 12:6-14
John Pollard
04/28/19 Bible Class

Jesus is the Way to Heaven
Alton Bailey
04/24/19 Sermon

Jesus is the Way to His Bride: An Ancient Jewish Wedding
Alton Bailey
04/23/19 Sermon

Jesus is the Way out of Religious Confusion
Alton Bailey
04/22/19 Sermon

Jesus is the Way to Forgiveness
Alton Bailey
04/21/19 Sermon

Jesus is the Way to God
Alton Bailey
04/21/19 Sermon

Jesus is the Way to a Better Life
Alton Bailey
04/21/19 Sermon

Revelation 2:1-5
John Pollard
04/17/19 Bible Class

The Nature of John 14:6: Video
John Pollard
04/15/19 Gospel Meeting

John Pollard
04/14/19 Sermon